to the Next Level

  • We Train to FIGHT

  • KRAV MAGA is Simple,
    Effective & Dynamic

  • Only REALISTIC Training
    Conditions for SURVIVAL

  • Learn to FIGHT
    Multiple Attackers

  • DEFEND Baton & Blunt
    Weapon Attacks

  • SURVIVE Knife & Gun
    Threats & Attacks

  • Learn to PROTECT Life,
    Train to SURVIVE Violence

  • CHALLENGE Yourself,
    Develop Inner STRENGTH

  • Build Mental & Physical

  • Get Out of Comfort Zone,
    Learn Your True POTENTIAL

  • FIGHT Smart, FIGHT
    Hard, FIGHT to SURVIVE

  • Don't Be a Victim, Become

Self Defence & Protection system from Israel
New Zealand's Premier Krav Maga Gym

Why choose us?


KRAV MAGA we train at KRAV FIGHTER is based on the real life, on-the-job experience of renowned SELF DEFENCE experts - ITAY GIL and LIOR OFFENBACH, combined with elements from Integrated Combat Systems (ICS), founded by the international Close Quarter Combat (CQC) expert PETER SCIARRA, thus bridging the gap between the Military, Police and Street Martial Arts training. We have been trained by these counter-terror, police and cqc experts who devoted their lives to combating criminal behaviour while continuously developing and improving tactics and techniques that save lives. Our mission is to pass this unique knowledge to New Zealand public, and train YOU to SURVIVE! Our KRAV MAGA continually evolves to be a step ahead, ensuring we have the most effective SELF PROTECTION system around. KRAV FIGHTER training techniques and survival skills focus on what works in the harsh reality of violence.


KRAV FIGHTER training provides the fast development of life saving skills and confidence that shortens the amount of time required to spend in training. KRAV MAGA's layered approach to SELF DEFENCE and focus on SELF PROTECTION, makes it suitable for a wide range of people. We train you to SURVIVE by taking you out of your comfort zone and challenging you physically, mentally and emotionally. To condition you for real life violence, we gradually expose you to stressful situations and practice under realistic scenarios. By training realistically we ensure that what we teach is the most effective KRAV MAGA SELF DEFENCE system.


Fighting styles and violence are changing with times. The growing popularity of Mixed Martial Arts and wide availability of edged weapon training videos, impacts the type and the amount of damage the violent people with anti-social behaviour could inflict on their victims. This is why KRAV FIGHTER training focus is on minimising the injuries and maximising the chances of survival not only for the common types of assault, but also in cases where the attacker has the experience in modern fighting styles. We offer classes and courses from the very basic introduction to SELF DEFENCE, specialised courses covering SURVIVAL against WEAPONS, intensive KRAV MAGA courses, and at times we also host leading international experts in SELF PROTECTION and CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT

Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

A list of frequently asked questions about training with us

Not all SELF DEFENCE training is the same and not all KRAV MAGA is the same. We at KRAV FIGHTER place great emphasis on keeping our training effective, realistic and current. While training with us is fun, KRAV MAGA as a discipline is not a joke and should not be trained like one. A violent threat or attack is a SERIOUS THING, and training to survive it requires understanding of assailant behaviour. Watered down self defence training options including krav maga offered under the branding of "traditional" global krav maga organisations are notorious for instilling a false sense of confidence.

We teach a realistic self defence based on our training with experienced SELF PROTECTION EXPERTS Dr ITAY GIL who served 14 years in the elite Israeli counter-terror and hostage rescue commando unit "Yamam", LIOR OFFENBACH who served 8 years as a police detective dealing with riots and violent offenders, and PETER SCIARRA, Close Quarter Combat Elite Black Belt who is one of the best and most skilled instructors trained by HOCK HOCHHIEM, a U.S. military and police force veteran, and a renowned street combat instructor in the U.S.

This impressive lineup of SELF PROTECTION experts applied their experience from the field about what works under pressure, and deep understanding of biomechanical principles and criminal-victim behaviour into the training we deliver to you. Our approach to teaching and training reflects our own training, therefore our KRAV MAGA SELF DEFENCE evolves with the times, rather than being stuck on what used to be taught 50 years ago. To experience a difference in how we train first hand, TRY A CLASS with us.

Please review our TIMETABLE and central Auckland location first, to avoid disappointment if your current circumstances would not allow you to train with us on a regular basis. If there is one or more days per week where you'd be able to train with us, the next step would be to book a KRAV MAGA TRIAL class, to experience the way we train, meet the instructors and other club members. We'll talk to you about membership options, protective equipment and everything else you may want to know after the class. When you decide you'd like to train with us, we'll guide you through the joining process. We accept payments by VISA and MASTERCARD credit cards, direct debit, bank transfers and cash.

We found that people interested in training with us often want to try another class before joining. In the past, the only way to try another class was to purchase one of casual options at a full price. Furthermore, sometimes people realise they can't make it to their first class last minute, so this introductory offer saves the day as they get to attend a second class within 7 days from the date of first booking.

By introducing a very affordable "Buy one, Get one free" trial offer, we provide a great way for anyone who is interested in learning Krav Maga in Auckland to try our classes and experience the best Self Defence training in New Zealand.

Go to TRY US. You'll be presented with a list of available KRAV MAGA Trial Classes for the current week. You can choose another week using the calendar above the list. Once you locate a class you'd like to book, click on the Book button, followed by Next. Choose Create Account and populate all the required information, including your contact details in Auckland and acceptance of the Liability Waiver. Leave the "Account Management & Schedule Updates" selected! Otherwise, you will NOT RECEIVE the booking confirmation with essential information for your Trial Class, and will NOT be able to participate as a result. Click/tap on Create Account, then purchase the most suitable trial class option. The booking confirmation e-mail has detailed instructions for the Krav Maga Trial Class, so please read it to avoid surprises on the day. Each person trialling a class has to complete their own registration.

Most of our members lack general fitness when they join. This is a fact of life, as most of us don't move enough due to our sedentary lifestyles. The good news is that once you start training with us, your fitness and core strength will improve drastically over time. However, this does require consistency in training and willingness to put in a hard work. A person training twice a week will benefit much more than someone training once a fortnight. Our instructors are great motivators during the classes, but to take advantage of their skill and experience, you have to make the first step every time and keep turning up to training consistently. There are no magic formulas here, just hard work and determination to develop a set of skills that may save your or someone else's life in the future. If you want results, you have to be prepared to invest the time and energy into your training.

The majority of people enquiring about our training have never trained KRAV MAGA, or the training they experienced in the past wasn't as Realistic as ours. We are passionate about a REALISTIC SELF DEFENCE and KRAV MAGA and believe it is vital that anyone showing interest in SELF DEFENCE experiences what a REALISTIC KRAV MAGA training session looks like. Even if you decide not to join us for the regular training after experiencing your KRAV MAGA TRIAL class, you will have an appreciation of what it takes to actually defend yourself when attacked by a motivated aggressor.

In addition to a myriad of membership options that are best explained in person, we want you to gain an understanding of value you get by training with us, and this can be only achieved by experiencing our training.

As a general guide, you can train with us for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day.

It is important to understand that our instructors have specialised skills and experience. They will train you to increase your chances of survival in violent situations, and avoid becoming a victim. The amount of energy and individual attention our instructors give to each student every class is priceless.

Saying that, we do have a range of membership options depending on various factors such as whether you study full time or work, whether you prefer weekly or lump sum payments and how much time do you want to commit to training with us.

Pricing is also designed to reward commitment to training, so the longer term options are better priced than casual membership, starting from only $23 per week (conditions apply).

We will explain the membership options in detail after you experience our 'no obligation to join' KRAV MAGA TRIAL class, as by then we'll know more about you, so we will be able to offer the best pricing available to meet your training needs.

Go to CLASSES->COURSES , select an event you're interested in, click on the Register button, followed by Next. Choose to Create Account, unless you already have an Account with us. Populate all the required information, including the acceptance of the Liability Waiver. Leave the "Account Management & Schedule Updates" selected! Otherwise, you will NOT RECEIVE the booking confirmation with essential information for the Event and will NOT be able to participate as a result. Click/tap on Create Account. You'll be prompted to enter your credit card information (only VISA & MASTERCARD accepted) and will be charged when you click on the Checkout button. The booking confirmation e-mail has detailed instructions for the event, so please read it to avoid surprises on the day. Each person attending the workshop has to complete their own registration.

You need to be 14 years or older to train at our gym, however our Krav Maga Basics introductory course is open to everyone aged 13+. We don't have an upper age limit, however irrespective of age, our recommendation is that people should seek the advice of their medical professionals before starting any physical activity, especially if they have a medical condition.

Safety comes first for all people who participate in our classes and all members have to abide by our CODE OF CONDUCT, irrespective of whether they are people without disability or have a physical, mental or intellectual disability. Self defence training requires a certain degree of emotional control, moral reasoning, fine motor control, mobility, agility, balance, as well as three senses - touch, sight and hearing. This means that anyone who has one of more of these attributes and/or senses affected may either struggle or be extremely prone to injuring themselves or others, or both, depending on the severity of their condition.

While we don't wish to discourage people with disabilities, it is important to understand we are not a disability services provider and while we will try when possible, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to modify techniques and tactics we train on the spot to make them suitable for a particular disability. Wheelchairs and prosthetics are a safety hazard in the dynamic, close contact training environment and cannot be used in our gym for this reason.

People with a mental health condition may also face difficulties in training. For some people, self defence training, along with counselling may be useful in gaining their own voice and reclaiming self-esteem, while for others it may have an opposite effect.

This is why we always advise to check with your health provider first and foremost, as they will definitely be in a better position to recommend activity or advise against it. If your health professional is not familiar with Krav Maga, please point them to videos on our website and social media, as this could help them ascertain whether our training is appropriate for a particular condition or disability.


Check out the ABOUT section of our website, READ our Krav Maga Blog & LIKE our Facebook page for more information on Krav Maga in Auckland, KRAV FIGHTER Classes & Courses. Get in touch if you have further enquiries and we will contact you ASAP!

Contact Us

About Us

KRAV FIGHTER is Auckland based full-time combative self defence training centre, that provides specialised KRAV MAGA training to ordinary people: women, teenagers & men. Training with us builds mental and physical toughness, confidence and fitness that empower you in all areas of life.

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Get to know the people that make KRAV FIGHTER one of the best KRAV MAGA SELF DEFENCE training centres

Luby Pavic
Luby Pavic
Master Krav Maga & ICS Instructor, Training Director
Joel Tham
Joel Tham
Krav Maga & ICS Instructor
Shane Yuile
Shane Yuile
Krav Maga & ICS Instructor

Affiliated KRAV MAGA & SELF DEFENCE Organisations

Krav Fighter
5 out of 5 stars